Randolph Church Land Stewardship Campaign
Randolph Church Land
Stewardship Campaign 2021 – 2022
In August 2021, the Randolph Church learned that a local landowner had purchased land adjoining the church, planning to subdivide it for homes. Church leaders reached out to the developer, who agreed to sell ¾ acre next to the church to help us protect its historic character, integrity and beauty.
The purchase price was $30,000, so the Randolph Church Board turned to the community. Thirty-two households donated $32,000, covering the purchase price, cleanup, improvements and maintenance of the land. During the cleanup, we found an interesting historic stone foundation for a smallstructure, perhaps a sugar shack, on the land.
On behalf of the entire community, the Randolph Church Board expresses our deepest appreciation for all the volunteers and donors who made this possible. It preserves our beloved chapel’s historic, pastoral setting for worship, celebrations and overall enjoyment of current and future generations.
Faithfully yours,
John A. Weatherly, Moderator
Randolph Church