Randolph Church Building Usage Brochure
Request Form_ Use of Church for Special Services and Events
A vibrant summer chapel, the Randolph Church welcomes people of all faiths. A spiritual home for Christian worship and music, the church holds summer services from the Fourth of July to Labor Day. We enjoy the simple, peaceful setting and find refuge in the beauty of the White Mountains of northern New Hampshire.
You are most welcome to consider the following guidelines to determine whether such a setting is appropriate for your special service or concert. If you are interested, we invite you to complete a request for your event, which the Randolph Church Moderator will review.
Who may reserve the church for a wedding, funeral/ memorial service, baptism or concert?
- Randolph residents (year-round or summer) and their family members.
- Others who have special permission from the Moderator of the Randolph Church or his/her designee.
Who is authorized to preside over religious ceremonies?
- Ordained clergy of an established religious denomination.
- Persons other than clergy who present credentials acceptable to the Moderator.
What procedure should I follow to inquire about holding a special service or concert?
- Contact the Clerk of the Randolph Church to ascertain whether the time and date of the proposed service or event is available on the calendar.
- The Clerk will then refer the inquirer to the Moderator of the Church or his/her designee for approval and to the Chair of the Music Committee.
What fees are required or appropriate?
- To help with upkeep, for building usage: $100
- Additional fees:
Heating during October – April: $50
Snow plowing if necessary: $150
Clergy or other officiant: $150
Organist: $150
Other musicians as negotiated
Will you need use of the organ or want music?
- Please let the Clerk know if you will want use of the organ or to have other music during your event. The Clerk will inform the Chair of the Music Committee, who will contact you.
- Musicians using the organ must be approved by the Chair of the Music Committee.
What arrangements should be made to open the church and to see that it is cleaned and properly closed after the event?
- Please make arrangements with the Moderator and Chair of the Music Committee regarding opening the church.
- Those proposing the event and/or the minister/officiant is responsible for leaving the church in as good condition as it was found and all personal property removed. The church, organ and other contents shall be respected at all times and nothing shall be done to alter or harm the property.
- The building usage fee is due when the event is confirmed by the Moderator or his/her designee. Please mail your check payable to Randolph Church to: Randolph Church, P.O. Box 204, Gorham, NH 03581.
- Fees for the officiant and organist should be paid directly to them when arrangements are made for the service.
Complete Building Usage Request here: Request Form_ Use of Church for Special Services and Events
For information contact:
Clerk: Dede Aube Phone: 603-723-0847
Email: [email protected]
Church Moderator: Rev. John Weatherly
Vice-Moderator: Sarah Eusden Gallop